In the medical term "diet" has a slightly different meaning. This concept includes a summary of the foods that a person uses. Composition of balanced diet contains nutrients in the right quantities.
Is it completely regards weekly diet. Therefore, before a similar limitation is the need to understand how to do it without consequences later. Some ways to help you decide to go with a unnecessary pounds and keep your weight stable. It requires a comprehensive approach — the merger of a low calorie diet, sports activities and compliance with the regime of the day.

Also follow the rules:
- Mandatory meal — breakfast. It cannot be omitted, since it is he gives strength to the body to wake up.
- Remove from the menus all the bitchiness: sweet, fatty, fried, smoked, flour, etc.
- Eating should be frequent, but small portions. It helps to avoid overeating.
- Regular exercise contribute not only to the rapid leakage of the weight, but also keep the body in good shape. For this optional entry to the gym, you can practice even at home. While in the first case to achieve a result succeed faster and more pronounced.
- Do not forget to eat the right amount of water. It is taken from calculation of 30 ml on 1 kg of body weight. Most often initially very difficult to drink such a quantity, but then this is included in the habit. And the best drink 30-50 minutes before a meal.
- Not less than 8 hours of sleep. This helps to fully relax and rest, to recover strength for future days.
- The last time you can eat 2-3 hours before going to sleep. So, meal time, fully copper arrow " and the body is not overloaded in the night of the holiday.
Healthy shedding weight
Lose weight in a week can be on a different number of kg. For different people the loss ranges from 1.5 to 10 units, But it is worth it to note that this result depends on many factors. For example, the original weight: the higher the BMI, the more will be reset.
However, most nutritionists recommended weight reduction of more than 1.5–2 kg a week, so as in the opposite case, the possible lack of many important trace elements and vitamins, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Of course, that's not the outcome that they want to reach the most women in such a short time. After all, they want to urgently to lose weight. For this, they are ready for all difficulties and restrictions. Experts advise in this case, stick to some rules:
- It is necessary to constantly monitor your glycemic level, in order to achieve crisis. For its prevention it is possible to consume a pharmacy glucose, which has a large amount of calories, but maintains the level of sugar in the blood.
- In the human body should provide sufficient amounts of vitamins and other nutrients. Therefore, in the period of the diet it is possible to fill special cocktails and vitamin complexes.
- Check the pressure, because at sharp reset of weight is often to try to down. Is this dangerous vertigo, nausea, unconscious state.
Of course, if there is a desire to lose weight for 15-20-30 or more pounds per week, with such dreams may decide to leave right away, because it is simply unrealistic. The body simply does not break up from the accumulated years of excess weight and will be by all means to prevent such rapid changes.
Weekly mono
In today's world there are quite a lot of different mono-diet. They are designed for short-term use because it has a lot of negative effects. Their use is rarely possible, as only the handling of the day, or as a means how to lose weight in a week.
Mono - on vegetables often occurs in the recommendations of the experts. And choose the product that meets the requirements for basic composition. Also can meet the multi-diet, i.e. consisting of several kinds of vegetables. Starched products most often do not take, because they are more high-calorie and bear a large burden in the digestion. The best choice are: pumpkin/zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, beets, cabbage, etc. For this product of boiled, baked or used in raw, however, you cannot away and add more spices. The night is used about 0.8–1.2 kg of vegetables.
This method, how to lose weight in 1 week also not less popular than the previous one. Its advantage is pleasant to the taste, like fruit, most sweet. In them is contained a sufficient amount of fructose, and therefore it is for healthy people there is no need to worry about the glycemic index, and those who have diabetes mellitus — consider another option diet.
To drink taken about 800 to 1000 g food. It is possible to consume in the fresh state, bake or prepare smoothies, cocktails, etc.
This mono-dietaa similar to rice. However, people who have that "buckwheat" of the week much more because it is more simple to prepare and nutritious.
For her the preparation of 100 g of buckwheat cereal is poured boiling water and left overnight. In the morning the resulting volume is divided into the desired number of servings (who is handy). For zapivaniya you can use a decoction of rose hips, green tea, 1% kefir (0,8–1 l).
With the help of buckwheat can not only lose weight, but also cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, which favorably affects the health. The only restriction, as in the previous cases, it is salt and other spices, which in any case can not be added to foods.
If someone will be more convenient and better, then buckwheat you can cook as usual. However, in this case they will lose a lot of useful substances.
Protein diet
Many often ask whether it is possible to lose weight in a week without from protein products? And such a diet does not exist. For many it is more soft and sparing. In addition, it gives stunning results — from 5 to 10 units, who can not imagine their diet without meat, eggs, cottage cheese and other similar products — this is the most suitable choice.
For this diet are necessary the following products:
- eggs — no more than 3 pieces;
- cottage cheese — 150-200 g;
- lean meat — 80 g to 100 g;
- lean fish — 100-150 g;
- seafood (fish place) — 150-200 gg
To recommend add the vegetables (about 200-250 g) and fruit (100-150 g), and also need to drink at least 2 liters of water.
All the mentioned weight is divided on the day. Cook is recommended for a couple, boil, simmer or bake. Also, it is worth it to avoid the use of salt.

It is known that oatmeal has a large amount of useful substances, micro - and macronutrients, vitamins, minerals, fiber and so on, Therefore its consumption not only ensures loss of excess weight, but also the gush of vivacity. Lose weight in a week you can for 2-5 units In it will not only reduce the amount of fat in the body, but also the level of cholesterol.
For the preparation of oatmeal tired of boiling water, and give leave to stand for 20-30 minutes. In porridge, you can add a variety of fruits in small quantities. The main point is that the food is according to the sense of hunger, but no more.
This diet is challenging both mentally and physically, not everyone can withstand. The daily diet includes the use of 1.5 liters of yogurt with a low percentage of fat. The weakened mode allows you to add a small amount of cooked fillets of chicken meat, cottage cheese, baked potatoes, citrus fruits. Is selected one of their listed products.
With this diet it is possible to lose weight in 1 week from 5 to 10 units In the average lose weight to 1 kg per day. There is a less strict diet with yogurt, which include other products. They wrap more easily, shedding the weight goes smoother.
Drinking diet
Drinking diet lies in the fact that food should just be sparse. Weight loss in this case is big, but go out with her it should be with great caution. Menu for the week:
- Monday — 7 glasses on yogurt;
- Tuesday — 6-7 glasses of milk;
- Wednesday — 5-7 glasses of thick juice (peach, banana, etc.);
- Thursday — 5-6 glasses of apple juice;
- Friday — water without restrictions;
- Saturday — 6-7 glasses of vegetable juice (potatoes, carrots, etc.);
- Sunday — 4-5 glasses of fruit-vegetable smoothies.
In order to properly get out out of this diet, it is necessary to gradually introduce the food first, softer consistency like porridge going on a solid food.
More recipes for women's weight loss in 7 days
Are designed other weight loss options. One of them is the so-called "diet doctors". It also takes 1 week for which it is possible to pass 4 to 9 units
In the first day drunk 1 bottle (1,5 l) of mineral water, the volume of which should be divided into 5-6 parts.
The second day of the drunk pack of low-fat milk. In the evening before going to bed you can eat 1 green apple.
On the third day you are preparing a salad: cabbage, carrots, herbs, vegetable oil. Weight should not exceed 800, This volume is divided into two equal portions throughout the day. Wash it is possible to clean with water or green tea.
On the fifth day happens repeat the diet the next day.
The sixth day of the more "dense": for breakfast eat 1 egg and half a cup of tea; 10am — vegetable broth (200 ml); lunch — 100 g of boiled meat, and canned peas; subsequent 3 food — for 1 apple.
The seventh day is dimensioned 100-150 g of cottage cheese and half a cup of milk. In the evening you can go for tea.
Another new-fangled diet — Mayo clinic. This includes the use of a special soup, which makes and going on weight loss. Moreover, as experts say that the more soup you eat, the more pounds, is lost.
For its use need: 6 heads of onions, 3-4 tomatoes, 1 head of cabbage, 2-3 pieces of green peppers, celery, 2 cubes vegetable broth.
All of the chopped vegetables folded into a saucepan, filled with water. Brings to a boil, the fire intact, and he's going to the softening of raw materials. In 10-15 minutes before the end add the bouillon cubes.
The first day is used for soup and a little fruit. The second day is added to the main dish vegetables. The third and fourth days, suggest drinking the soup, vegetables and fruit. On the fifth day in addition to soup you can eat 500 grams of boiled beef, and 2-3 tomatoes. The sixth day is also varied potatoes and boiled beef. On the seventh day it is recommended to add the brown picture (can be in soup), and also various kinds of vegetables.
It is possible to sit on diets child?
In the first row is in this case given by the question: do I have to? Even if you child is overweight, to lose weight, he needs to gradually, without major restrictions. Lose weight in a week at home without harm to the health of the adolescent is possible only by 0.5–1.5 units In the opposite case, various problems may occur, which will be difficult to resolve later.
The basic rules of weight loss immature body, include:
- Exclude from the diet of semi-finished products, mayonnaise, candy, pastries, fast food and more bitchiness. Replace them with the right products, including vegetables and fruit.
- I'm sure in the menu should be soup, porridge, meat dishes.
- Portions should not be too large — the plate of each person should not exceed the volume of two compound together palms.
- Sports load not only helpful to the young body.
- The child needs plenty of rest and sleep. This is especially true for tv and other devices. It is also worth to remove or restrict the use of.
If the child is not only the extra pounds and obesity, then before the weight loss you need to see an endocrinologist and a gastroenterologist, because it can be associated with various disorders.
What motivates them to weight loss?
Many do not stop to think, why they decide to lose weight, in addition, that is so violently and dangerously. The most common reasons are:
- Public opinion. The person is arranged so, that living in a society and listen to their opinion. And yet it wants to hear compliments and praise. The woman in the eyes of men wants to be attractive. And hearing the note, that the last holiday was added a few pounds decide to dramatically go on a diet and be as before.
- Like the beloved person. Even though many men and say that they love their wife, whatever. However, there is a famous proverb, that women love with their ears, and men — eyes. Yes, and themselves representatives of the stronger sex to admit wrongdoing, told to place the equipment — the ugly truth, which injures and will cause, that there is an urgent sitting on a diet.
- For this to yourself. A man should love himself any. However, when it becomes hard to walk, it is not possible to choose a specific outfit, you can hear the whispers and taunts behind my back — it does mean something and it leaves an indelible mark. And even the most slender girl can see in the mirror a fat woman. If there is a real pounds worth paying your attention on proper nutrition and sport. In the opposite case, the problem is solved with a psychologist.
- Strengthen the health and the return of youth. At a young age people are less prone to weight gain, and throw them pounds lighter. Older one gets, the harder it gets. However, to achieve the objective, is to feel a great lightness and agility.
- The desire to start life over again and change yourself. Many take for yourself after a detour in life. Or, on the contrary, I observe that life has become dull and routine.

Considering the question of how to lose weight in a week, it should be noted that in any case can not be useful when it comes to more than about 2 units it is Better to consider other options or think about their resume in advance. For greater effect it is worth it to add exercise, it will speed up and improve the process of weight loss.