Every woman dreams of a slim waist, but the hated fat on the hips sometimes impede the attainment of the objectives. If you regularly perform exercises for the transverse, with this problem you can decide to leave it, that is in the form of wins on the wasp waist. What kind of complex you do, and how to organize exercises, read on.
General rules for the implementation of the

Do the exercises for the hips is possible both in the home and in the hall, but it is important to make some rules that will increase their effectiveness:
- Engage, if possible, to lunch, either in the evening. The optimal option – before breakfast or after 2-3 hours after it. You can pick up and any other time, but in any case adhere to the fundamental condition, it is desirable to produce training and at the same time of day.
- If you want to achieve quick and lasting results, deals with at least 3 times/week. Fitness trainers recommend doing it at least through the day.
- It is advisable to exercise for the hips to have become a natural part of the regular training sessions. Along with that you can and out of the integrated classes to devote time to the study of these muscles. Whatever it was, before you continue to the main campus, necessarily need a warm-up to prepare the muscles to work, to eliminate the risk of their injuries.
- It is advisable to combine the work on the muscles with the workouts – so will quickly remove fat.
- In any mode, I did the exercises for the hips, between them there is no need to do big breaks – a maximum of half a minute. In connection with this, it is necessary to plan the complex so that you easily go from the previous operation in the following.
- There is no need to work to its limits. If you feel pain when performing these or other movements, to reduce the pressure or the intensity of their commit. After a while the muscle gets stronger, and the implementation of the manipulation with the body, becomes for you a much easier task.
- Can't eat an hour before exercise and after it, you cannot receive food for 2-x hours, or lose weight do not succeed, at least, quickly.
- Drink water throughout the day, but preferably in the evening to minimise its consumption. Daily volume of drinking water should be about 2 l. When to drink water small amounts of can even during exercise.
Adhere to be and one more important rule, which does not directly exercise, but has a relationship to the effectiveness of weight loss, struggle with fat in problem areas. Adjust your diet. It is recommended to eat small portions 5-6 times/day. Eat maybe just useful products, and the diet should be balanced.
The most important rule of a successful teaching – their regularity.
Effective exercise for weight loss hips
During exercise you can use various sports equipment to increase the load. In this case, manages to achieve not only greater efficiency of fat burning, but also formation of lean muscle mass. It can give visual volume, if with such loads overdo it, therefore, is not recommended to use weight more often 1 times/week.
No matter, you can work only with the side muscles either incorporate this block in total employment, to start in any case, it is necessary to block with a warm-up.

The length of it is about 7-10 minutes.
In the warm-up block may apply the following simple in the execution of movement:
- Standing exactly, are we doing tilts his head forward, then backward 20 times.
- Drawn up, standing on the socks and stretch out your hands up. Then again occupy its original position – the standing exactly. Repeat the exercise should be 20 times.
- Place your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist, elevation of the torso to the left and to the right – on each of the sides 15 times.
- Standing up, in sitting position, in which the hands on the waist, legs wide apart at shoulder width, we fill the sails of the hull forward. While the right hand tries to reach for the toes of the left foot, and then vice versa. As manipulation in any direction is the need to commit to 10.
- Draw straight arms circles, moving them first 10 times clockwise, and then the same time is against her.
- The position of the sitting position, keep your back straight. During each squat stretches before us aligned hands.
The main part of the
In it are included directly workout for women for weight loss the hips, focusing on it, to remove from them the fat, pull a muscle mass. For their implementation are suitable to domestic conditions.
Very effective exercises with dumbbells:
- Slopes. For more effective fat burning it is necessary to take dumbbells weighing a maximum of 1.5 units Standing exactly a little with his legs apart, it is necessary to sail. If the slope is going to the right side, smooth, the right hand is along with the dumbbell falls down, while the left climbs up towards the armpits. When this brush with the dumbbell should glide across the body. In the same way we do the movement in the opposite direction. Their responses should be alternately, on each side of the after 25-30 times.
- Standing exactly, holding in the hand, the elongated front of you, dumbbells. Correction of the pelvis, the legs – to move not. Case folds back to the right, the maximum setting the stage for behind the back right hand with a dumbbell. We also perform a similar turnaround to the left. Alternately is to be done at 25-30 as twists and turns in every direction.
Fitball – a more effective helper in the removal of everything unnecessary out of the troubled zones.
- Go to the ball, keeping the back exactly, and the legs bent in a straight angle. Swivel torso to the right and to the left, fixing on the ball, pelvis, legs without lifting from the floor. Do 20 rotations in each direction.
- When performing this exercise use not only in the interests of us land, but also the abdominal muscles, back and legs. Go to the on the floor, and fitball firmly, that we take the legs. Raise the legs up, catches the ball, stay in this position for 5-7 seconds. Furthermore, to smoothly return to the starting position. Beginners usually is not easy is due to this exercise, so for starters, you can do it at least 5 times. Over time it will become easier and gradually you can increase the number of repetitions to 15-20 times.
- The sails with the use of the ball. Get on your knees and into the hands of we the fitball, raise it over your head. Your back must be straight, as well as hands. We sail to the right and to the left, trying to maximize the far the disposal of the ball. While we adhere to balance, we follow it to the body is not "collapse" forward or backward, but remained in one plane with the pelvis. On each side there is a need to put on 15-20 sails.

Very effective for weight loss hips in women exercises-covers, bulkheads.
- Triangle. These hours helps to strengthen the muscles on your back, legs, abdomen, and interested in us, parts of the body. Gets better thanks to her and stretching. Legs is necessary to determine the maximum widely – about on 3 the width of the shoulders. Expand the right socks out as possible. Left the same socks pivoted in degrees on 45. Hands bred in hand, while the palm must look down. Inhale, and while exhaling drawn with a brush on his right hand. In this hands should remain in a position parallel to the floor. Fluent in elevation of the torso to the right, putting on the right tibia right side. The left hand is cleared up. Performing these movements, it is necessary to try to rounding boca, and on the contrary, "pull" them into each other. The pose, in which you find yourself, resembles a triangle, and in it you need to stay longer, to take 10 breaths and exhalation. We also perform the same action, just on the other side. This exercise contributes to the efficient burning of fat.
- Planck. Go to the bok exactly, he leaned on the elbow of the right hand. Raise the pan so that the body from head to toe, resembling a flat, stretched string. Break in this position is also suitable for 5-7 seconds. Carry out a similar exercise on the other side. You just need to do it for the beginning at least 3-5 times, but over time you can increase the number of approaches and time manipulation.
Remove fat from the hips great help to a variety of twisting, which is also possible to carry out at home to lose weight.
- Go to completely on its side, the hands start behind the head. At the same time gone, the torso and the legs up, showing off twisting. Try to make the body when twisting remains in one plane. We do 15-20 of these moves in one direction, then equally to the other. You can perform these effective techniques in several approaches.
- Lying on your back, bendable legs at the knees in a straight angle, the hands start behind the head. Increase the housing, drawn at the left elbow to your right knee, then vice versa. Just need to do 15-20 of these movements.
- Go to the right on the floor, pulling up the body and legs together on the right side, then on the left. We follow by to and torso and legs remain in a position parallel to the floor. Just need to do about 20 of these movements.
In addition to these complexes, are very effective exercises with a hula-Hoop, all around "Health". It is possible to include as part of the warm-up, so from the main unit, and with their help to remove fat from Bochkov.
How to achieve fat loss and a thin body, may not perform for one training all of these exercises for slimming the hips – choose 3-4 for each class and do it.
With proper organization of the exercises and their regularity is already after a few weeks you will see the desired results no matter in a domestic environment you should / and or in the hall.