Exercise for weight loss hips

Many girls, who are looking for some extra effective exercises for the transverse, you think about it, that you can lose weight just in the right place. However, it is shown that the burn fat locally – it is impossible. Performing exercises on the hips, you are only going to train them and help them with the largest to look attractive.

Comprehensive weight loss hips

exercise for weight loss

Exercise and any physical activity – it is something perfectly help you get in shape. But if you want fast results, it is necessary to approach comprehensively.

If the problem is just in the large amount of body fat – we recommend that you stick to and diets for weight loss hips. Best, if you like this diet you choose a regular proper diet – do not overeat, choose a light vegetable ornaments, lean meat, sweet to eat just before lunch, and limited, and of course, eat more vegetables and fruits.

Effective exercise for weight loss hips

If you are really looking for, what kind of exercise can remove the sides, you will certainly be a little surprised. As mentioned above, fat can be burn on the spot, and if you lose weight something lose weight completely, from what is required by your constitution (usually lose weight from the top down, starting from the chest). This is the reason why effective exercises against the laterally – this is primarily the aerobic load.

For effective weight loss it is possible to run, jog in place or jumping rope. It should be noted that for burning fat is running need no less than 30 minutes, and jump from the rope – not less than 20. If every day you practice these effective methods, how you will lose weight fairly quickly.

What exercises to remove boca?

In exercise for weight loss hips in any case it is not necessary to use loading. It is best to practice the exercises, which according to its principle of action are somewhere between the stretching and cardiovascular exercises. Catching exercises for the lateral muscles with weights, you run the risk increase the volume of muscles, and even stronger to expand the waist. Such exercises are suitable for men only!

In the women's set of exercises for the appeal of the hips can include five simple exercises:

  1. Exercise 1. Feet wider than shoulder-width apart, hands raised up, the blades are reduced. Bend one of the hands at the elbow and drag to the side and slightly back. Repeat 2-3 times. Repeat for the other arm. Then do the same thing, but for both hands at the same time.
  2. Exercise 2. Feet wider than shoulder-width apart, one hand on his stomach, the other looking off to the side. Smoothly rotate towards the hand that lies on his stomach, and drag in this side, bending the leg from the same side of the knee. Repeat 3 times. Perform on the other side.
  3. Exercise 3. Feet wider than shoulder-width apart, the body is deployed to one of the legs. One hand up, the other down. Do a lunge, lowering of the upper hand ahead, then the arms lower, and another – on the contrary, raise. Perform the exercise at a slow pace, stretching forward 5 times for each side.
  4. Exercise 4. Feet wider than shoulder-width apart, right arm extended straight up, left – freely. Perform the lunge aside, sitting on the left leg, and drag in the direction of the hand that is over your head. Do 3 times and repeat for the other side.
  5. Exercise 5. Feet wider than shoulder-width apart, arms extended vertically above your head. Perform a lunge aside and tilt the torso with straight arms to bent leg. Be careful that the back was smooth. How should I stretch, try to remain in this position. Follow the on-times for each side.
weight loss for transversely

In how to get rid of the hips, exercise in the complex with a during the and diet give great results. But if you want to notice a real change already in the first week, add to that a total of 30 minutes of the torsion wrap on the day.