Of course, you just take and wake up slim – this is the dream of each of us. But in reality, it is necessary to comply with the conditions for weight loss, to become the owner of a perfect body.

Diet and weight loss must start from the fact that the person realizes he has a problem. And is to blame in this not some stranger, but he himself. There are girls who constantly say that few eat, although actually a bit failed to take advantage, then the large amount of calories. And there are those that are hitting with fist to chest and say that play sports, even if actually a slow walk on the treadmill will be five times the press and already tired of it. It is necessary to clearly understand what are your goals and what are you doing to achieve them. Unless you're doing nothing or just a few – admit it to yourself and start to change.
Your motives and desires
One of the basic conditions for weight loss – your desire to lose weight. If someone force you to, or you decided to do this for the company, are going to fail. Never change for the better can not occur without stronger efforts. It is necessary to overcome the stage where it will be hard. Then it becomes much easier, but to do that you need to come up. You're like myself and chubby? Then there is no chase on the standards of beauty and live comfortably in your body. If you really want to lose weight, whether it is ready to difficulties.
It is important to set a goal and come up with a motive. If you want to please her husband, to find a guy, get to dress 42-th size, or impress any particular person – it's a great incentive to work. Is not to give an acquittal reasons: "Well, I'm just today to eat a piece of cake, but tomorrow, eat less", "On vacation to try all the dishes, and tomorrow is all pass in the gym", "In job cave, it makes me so sad that it is necessary to please ourselves in this dessert," and so on. Rather say that you're going to find the man, if you're so good there, and no one to enjoy, if you the colon. Yes, a bit brutally, but it is in the interest of good stuff!
The adjustment of food intake
Diet is not always so useful, and it is one of the key conditions for weight loss. It is not always balanced, so you obtain the necessary level of useful substances. And if you want to lose weight, you need to practice. For the physical exertion they need the energy. If you do the exercises through strength or last breath as a result of malnutrition, no benefit it will bring, just stressful for the body. Therefore it is better to lose weight without dieting, which is from them in favor of a balanced diet.
Try to just give up the most harmful food, but do not starve yourself. Remove from the diet flour products, potatoes and sweets. Sugar is dangerous for the figure. You can organize yourself and unloading days. Useful sit a day on yogurt, apples, cucumber, cabbage or cheese. Choose the product for the handling of the day, which like the most.
The journey to the goal
This, as is well known, thorny and complicated. Take yourself in hand and remember: you're not will be removed very suddenly. Must pass before they will be visible results. Therefore, it cannot be right to get upset and throw attempts, how to get rid of excess weight. Just do everything according to the plan, and not measure the mass of fanatically every day before and after training. Conditions for weight loss is largely more associated with the psychological attitude of a person. After all, if it consciously, it's about what he wants, it's a sport and normal food appear in his life automatically, along with a desire to lose weight.

You can go to your destination, you and not find it, as the body begins to change a bit. But when I will be serious result, it is not escape not from you, not from the eye area.