Cinnamon – a fragrant spice, known for its amazing properties since the ancient times. Many weight loss familiar this spice is an excellent tool for weight loss. Refusal of certain products, in order to reduce weight, you should use cinnamon.
Useful properties of cinnamon

In this delicious spice with a pleasant aroma includes many useful elements, such as essential oils, disaccharides and monosaccharides, saturated fatty acids, dietary fiber and protein. In its composition are vitamins a, V, E, C, PP, as well as micro - and macronutrients.
Your taste of cinnamon is able to lift the mood, improve memory, it has a positive effect on the brain. With regular use of spices improves the work of blood vessels, the body is purified. Useful this is in a period of strong tension and stress, because cinnamon has a relaxing and calming effect.
Like cinnamon help to lose weight
Cinnamon for weight loss are used since ancient times, its useful properties allow you to improve metabolism and to better absorb the sugar. Its positive effect on the reduction in weight can be explained as follows:
- Dietary fiber, contained in its composition, contribute to the mild cleansing the colon, restore its operation.
- Essential oils have an effect on the nervous system, which allows you to reduce appetite and calm down. This is important because the most commonly to overeating lead just stress.
- Spice is very useful for the normalization of the digestive system. In particular, it helps to better absorb sugars, which boosts metabolism.
The main advantage of consuming cinnamon in food – it not only helps reduce weight, but allows you to affect the best problem areas of the female body – the stomach. Every lady knows how difficult are removed fatty tissue on the abdomen.
To spice good, it should be her right to choose. For weight loss it is necessary to buy only fresh quality cinnamon. Exactly such a product has a pleasant sweet taste. Lack of odor indicates that this spice is stagnated and would not benefit.
Sell cinnamon powder and sticks. Use it can be in any form, and is stored spices in a glass covered container, in a dry and cool place. The period of storage of drumsticks reaches of the year, but the powder can be used within six months.
How to eat properly
In pure form, this spice is not used. For it to benefit the body, it is added in variety of dishes and drinks. Popular cooking puddings flavored with cinnamon, sweet pastries and desserts, jellies and lungs yogurt.
For the purposes of weight loss it is his habit to add to coffee, milk, tea, cocoa, kefir, a drinking yogurt. The spice is excellent in combination with other useful products, use it with honey and ginger. Perfectly match it with the rice, pumpkin or oatmeal cereals.
A small pinch of tasty spices allows you to quickly breaks down the fats and effectively reduce the level of sugar in the blood. For weight loss are popular the following recipes with cinnamon.
Kefir with cinnamon
Kefir itself is a low-calorie product, and is actively used for weight loss in nutrition nutrition. On it we can ensure unloading days, it's a great choice for light snacks and to satisfy the hunger before bedtime. Kefir with cinnamon – a hearty and nutritious dairy drink that promotes the burning of fat. A glass of delicious product before meals you eat less.
Recipe for the preparation of drinks for the handling of the day is very simple. To 1.5 liters of yogurt is taken teaspoon of spices, all thoroughly mixed. The combination of cinnamon with yogurt allows you to give it a nice spicy smell and taste, and spices helps to reduce appetite. How useful to drink yogurt with cinnamon? A refreshing and aromatic drink is perfect for breakfast is recommended to eat on an empty stomach.
It is important to properly choose the kefir, diet foods you need to buy a drink with the percentage of fat not more than 1.5%. On its basis can be done no less useful cocktail. For this you will need honey and ginger in equal amounts, a teaspoon of water and a pinch of cinnamon in powder. Then the mixture add the yogurt and mix thoroughly. This cocktail will give you a great start of a new day.
Cinnamon with honey – another beautiful option for effective weight loss. This combination will help to make a fragrant drink even healthier and tastier. Honey with cinnamon stirred in a ratio of 2:1, is poured a liter of warm water and infused into the clock. You can pour it into a thermos, or just carefully wrap capacity.
Useful drug can be stored in the refrigerator for a few days, and be consumed in the morning and evening after half of the cup. Once a week you can organize yourself the unloading of the day on cups of tea with cinnamon.

The perfect combination of honey, cinnamon and lemon for weight loss. In a cup of tea with added teaspoon of honey and the juice of half a lemon. This refreshing drink allows you to get energy for the whole day. You can add a teaspoon of milled ginger.
Honey with cinnamon excellent in accordance with dairy drinks. In the absence of yogurt, the mixture can be added to milk, ., any yogurt, of course, the weight loss is worth it to choose low-fat drinks. If the product is very thick, you can add a little water. A mixture of honey and cinnamon with milk use during the day.
Drinks with cinnamon not only helps reduce weight, but they are also a great prevention of various diseases. It is a double benefit to the health and character of man.
Tea with cinnamon
The possibility of preparing tea with cinnamon very much, everyone has their secrets, how and in what proportions, preparing a miracle elixir. Typically, for the preparation of beverages accessories coffee maker used 5 g of spices. Can be used black or green tea, it should be noted that drinking cinnamon tea it is possible at any time.
This delicious drink will raise your spirits, will quench your thirst, reduce the feeling of hunger. If they are consumed regularly, you will notice a reduction in cravings for sweets.
It is popular and another recipe for cooking tea with cinnamon. In a cup to 2/3 pour brewing. Add cinnamon powder and mix, then add the milk. Choose the best product with low fat content. This delicious drink will appeal not only to weight loss, it can be with the taste of the drink hot.
Deciding how to prepare drinks with cinnamon, it is to be noted that there is no need to add to them the sugar. Because this spice is aimed at reducing its use. It is not necessary to use and sugar substitutes, despite their very low caloric value, the benefits do not bring any.
So it's really safe to dishes and drinks with the addition of fragrant spices? Cinnamon allows you to establish the metabolism and solve the problem of how to lose weight. For the evaluation, its use contributes to weight loss, but in any case, let yourself be carried away it's not worth it, it is necessary to consume the spice in reasonable quantities. Enough ½ teaspoons a day.
Also worth remembering about the contraindications, which are limited to the use of spices. You cannot consume cinnamon with the availability of internal or external bleeding, because it helps the liquefaction of the blood. It is advisable to give up meals with cinnamon at high pressure, the temperature in the first trimester of pregnancy, as well as during increased nervous excitability. Contraindication is individual intolerance of the product.
How to behave properly
Cinnamon helps to establish the digestion, accelerate the metabolism, helps to reduce appetite. In the overall result, it allows you to gently cleanse the body, which always lead to weight reduction. But it is not a panacea, can not say that it is possible to lose weight, using only spices, and does not change in this way of life and eating.
Advertised diets, more often bring decent results, many who is weight loss already convinced of it on own bitter experience. Multi-day restriction leads to weight loss, which later with the success of the typed again, and brings with him another couple of pounds.
Most often, the reason lies in the fact that it is not a balanced diet, the person holding the main rules of good nutrition, compliance with which guarantees the normal activity of the human body. But everyone has a real opportunity to remedy the situation, learn tips and expert advice on nutrition.
For healthy weight loss it is necessary to observe basic principles of good nutrition:
- The basis of the daily diet should be vegetables in any form, and fruit. When this amount of vegetables exceeds the amount of fruit, and of the last preference it is worth to give a citrus flavor. They contain large amounts of vitamins and fiber.
- Drinking regime. The amount of pure water you should drink per day – not less than 1.5 liters. This is to ensure the youth and health of skin cover, good job of the digestive system. The appropriate fluid to consume up to 19 hours to the next morning there was swelling.
- The rejection of sweets, pastries. Simple carbohydrates provide quick energy that does not have time to get away, and is stored in the form of fat on the abdomen and thighs. A lean physique in this case, you can forget about it. If there is a strong desire to pamper yourself a tasty, better to give preference to the sweet fruit.
- Mandatory to start the day – breakfast. It is better if it will be porridge in water or milk, which is a long time to leave a feeling of satiety. A creative approach will allow every day to invent something new, for example, to add spices, vegetables, fruits, dried fruits.
- It is worth it to reconsider your diet and replace the usual, but not useful products useful. Make it easy, pork perfectly replaces them with veal or chicken, instead of sour cream and mayonnaise it is possible to use cream or plain yogurt.
- Before visiting the trade stands firm food, to not have unnecessary temptation to buy unnecessary. Control allows you to purchase and a list of the necessary products which you can assemble in advance.
- Necessarily a condition of healthy life – to give up alcohol. Especially from sugary drinks, which excite the appetite. Among other things, are very calories. Sometimes you can afford dry red wine, but no more than a glass.

Food should be enjoyed, but to do of it a cult. To make the dish better still, that makes it for watching tv or reading, you can easily eat unnecessary. More often it is possible to arrange small feasts, on the table put a no fat cake, and a plate with fruit. A common cause of overeating – stress. How to get rid of from the negativity, you can quickly bring yourself into shape. And no small sign of my active lifestyle.
Keep the body in good shape will help regular exercise. Someone object, they often do not have time to visit the gym or fitness club. It's not a problem, because the main thing – movement. One move can be anywhere.
Enough to replace the trip at work walking, a few stops to go quick step. A good option to support health – walk up the stairs, the rejection from the elevator can become a great alternative to expensive simulators. And the usual house work will replace full-fledged workout in the gym.
The physical load in the period of weight loss will help you get rid of aesthetic saggy skin, filled with forces and energies. No wonder they say that skinny horse – is not yet a gazelle.