Losing weight is not easy for many task. The main thing is that it is necessary to make a person for weight loss, is to reduce the caloric value of the diet, to enrich his fiber and protein, and as much as possible to speed up the metabolic processes. In this regard, the beverage for weight loss play an equally important role, than the physical burden and main dishes. For their preparation are used the usual, at first glance, the products in different combinations, thanks to which you can maximally diversify the menu and speed up weight loss.
Homemade drinks for weight loss

The composition of the drinks for weight loss include products, which have an influence on the metabolic processes and the work of the digestive system. Basis may form a water, dairy products, vegetable and fruit juice, green tea. Such supplements act fruit, berries and vegetables, the spices and the honey, vinegar and sports supplements (proteins, for example), grains, seeds and more. We present to you a favorite drink recipes for weight loss in home conditions.
Water Sassy
You boil water, it's like this:
- 2 liters of water;
- ginger root the size of your thumb;
- a large cucumber without the skin;
- peppermint leaves — optional.
In a glass jar, mix pounded into a mash spine of ginger and water, then dipped it in there lightly mash the mint leaves and slices of thin circles of cucumber. Insist on no less than 10 hours in the cold. Drink water recommend a few days before starting the diet, instead of ordinary water. Per day is necessary to drink at least 2 liters of drinks.
Cinnamon with honey — homemade drink for weight loss
Honey is considered a good remedy for excretion from the body of excess water, while the cinnamon accelerates the digestion of food and stimulates the irritant. Together they are pulling from the intestines of waste products and toxins, heals the body, stimulate the metabolic processes and significantly mute the appetite.
For the preparation of servings of the drink you will need:
- 200 ml of warm water;
- cinnamon (or a teaspoon of powder);
- 1 teaspoon of honey;
- lemon on request.
In hot water dipped cinnamon and insist in a thermos for at least 30 minutes. Basis drinks cool, add honey. Drink flavored drink in the morning on an empty stomach and before dinner.
Drink for weight loss with grapefruit and sea buckthorn
The components of this drink accelerate metabolism and metabolic processes at the cellular level, significantly increase the consumption of energy in the body and thus stimulate the breakdown of fatty tissue.
For the preparation of this drink need:
- 1 liter of water;
- a small piece of ginger root;
- half of a large grapefruit;
- 100 ml sea buckthorn syrup or 100 g of puree from fresh berries;
- honey on request.
In water to dissolve the sea buckthorn syrup or juice from the berries, puree with garlic, mix well. Meanwhile, the grapefruit cut into small cubes and dipped in future drink. Insist his no less hours in the refrigerator. Drink with ice cubes in small portions during the day.
Herbal tea for weight loss
Tea of herbs can be prepared according to different recipes depending on the persecuted targets. For example, to reduce appetite drink, you need to add the roots proskurníku, the herb st. john's wort or spirulina. Normalize the need for nutrients will help viburnum, rose hips and sea buckthorn. Get rid of excess fluid and reduce the amount you, the roots of dandelion and ginger, senna, seeds, anise, lime blossom, and cranberry leaf. Accelerate weight loss you turmeric, green tea leaves, kelp, and pineapple. For taste you can add a leaf, currant, thyme, mint.
For the preparation of teas for weight loss need the porcelain or ceramic teapot to about 500 ml of water and a mixture of herbs. Variants may be very different:
- senna, the leaves of sea buckthorn, root proskurníku, lime blossom and algae in the same area — on 500 ml of water will need a 2 station al of the mixture;
- leaves cranberries, st john's wort herb, chamomile, rose hips dried, stevia — 500 ml of water, take 2 station al of the mixture;
- ginger, anise-black fruit viburnum and rosehips, root proskurníku, turmeric — 500 ml water charged by the 1st century ml of the mixture.
Insist, herbal tea in tightly sealed jars for about 10 minutes. Drink warm or chilled in the breaks between the meals.
Green tea for weight loss
Tea leaves have a light diuretic effect and accelerate metabolism. Contained in their composition of polyphenolic compounds enhance the exchange of energy and supporting the breakdown of fat reserves. In addition, drunk just before a meal, the drink reduces appetite.
How to lose weight with green tea efficiently, you need to eat in the following variants:
- chilled with the addition of lemon and ginger;
- hot with the addition of milk (embonpoint the last should not exceed 0.5%);
- warm with lemon juice.
Who is weight loss with green tea, it is not desirable to use alcohol, but rich in fiber foods will strengthen the positive effect of the drink on the body.
Ginger ale for weight loss

Part of this drinks ingredients improve digestion, normalize metabolism, increase tone, and stimulates performance. Also, this lemonade actively removes fluid from the tissues, helps reduce weight. For its preparation will need:
- 3 large lemons;
- 50 g ginger root;
- 5 articles l. honey;
- 3 liters of water.
From lemons squeeze the juice and ginger root turns into a puree using a shallow grater. To the mixture add 2 cups of water and put the future of lemonade on a weak fire. After boiling last heat for about 20 minutes, then cool, add rest of water and honey. Drink this lemonade is recommended for between meals.
Water with lemon juice and honey
This drink is used for excretion from the body impurities and toxins, cleanses the intestines. When taking just before a meal reduces appetite, which allows you to reduce the size of the servings. Because of this, is achieved the effect of weight loss.
For the preparation of water is necessary to take a cup of water, one lemon and a teaspoon of honey. Of lemon squeeze the juice and dissolve it with water. Add the honey and mix it well. Drink preferably on an empty stomach.
Homemade drink for weight loss from apple cider vinegar
Part apple cider vinegar organic acids reduce cravings for sweets and regulate the appetite. Part of the vinegar substances help to break down carbohydrates, normalize intestinal microflora, improve the overall tone of the organism and increase stamina.
Drink it is necessary to cook of natural apple cider vinegar, dissolved in water (the glass of liquid charge is not more tbsp of vinegar). Drink drink for weight loss is recommended in the morning on an empty stomach, before lunch and dinner, as well as through 60-90 minutes after them.
Yogurt for weight loss with spices
The components of this drink are operating in several directions. Kefir normalizes microflora and activates the intestinal peristalsis, it adds to the body large amounts of protein. Spices (it can be cinnamon, pepper or ginger), activates metabolic processes, reduce appetite, prevent deposition of fats in the tissues. How to cook cocktail super models (so-called drink of yogurt and spices for weight loss), in a glass of dairy product just add ½ a teaspoon of cinnamon, a little grated ginger and a pinch of red ground pepper. Drink a cocktail is needed after a meal (over 30-45 minutes) once a day.
Smoothies for weight loss
The composition of cocktails for weight loss useful contain fiber (bran flakes from whole grains, vegetables, herbs and fruit), milk and/or mineral water, milk drinks, whey protein. Typically, such beverages are obtained by a sufficiently dense and nutritious, which makes them possible to replace a full meal. Recipes can be diverse:
- to 100 g of pineapple and kiwi mixed in a blender with 100 ml of yogurt;
- 4-5 pieces of dried apricots and prunes, a tablespoon of bran and a pinch of cinnamon whipped cream with 150 ml of yogurt;
- whip in a blender, 170 ml milk, 60 ml natural yogurt, 1 tbsp of flax seeds and 50 g of strawberries;
- beet, carrot and celery grind to a state of puree, add a tablespoon of lemon juice, 150 ml natural yogurt, whipped into a homogeneous condition;
- 130 g of cottage cheese, 150 ml milk, a sprig of parsley and celery whipped cream in a blender, add according to taste with spices and garlic.
Listed cocktails creates a feeling of saturation, stimulates metabolic processes, preventing the absorption of fats, cleans the intestines. They help to restore intestinal microflora and to fill the need of the organism in nutrients, but have minimal caloric value.
Conditions, without which cocktails and drinks for weight loss will be useless
Despite the declared efficiency and benefit for the body, the above-mentioned beverages for weight loss may not work. Most often this happens with people who lose weight, who thought that they can lose weight just with the help of cocktails. In the meantime, without adherence to the diet, increasing physical activity the weight will hardly move away on the smaller side.
The main task of the drink for fat loss — speeding up metabolic processes and to fill a person's need for nutrients without increasing total calorie diet. If you continue to eat in the preceding mode, the drinks will play the role of other providers of calories. The same thing will happen in the absence of normal physical activity. This is the reason why the fight with the extra pounds must go "on all fronts", and drinks for weight loss will fulfill a complementary, not basic function.
Health drink for weight loss
In fact, that drinks for weight loss, it is useful, no doubt gastroenterologists and nutritionists. First, they are composed of natural and fresh foods, which are the source of essential elements and dietary fiber. Secondly, in them almost there is no included calories and harmful fats, and carbohydrates.

In addition to the normalize digestion homemade shakes for weight loss have a number of useful properties:
- strengthen immunity;
- experts warn that the development of the disease the heart and blood vessels;
- forcing the body to actively absorb the fat;
- normalize the composition of the blood;
- improve the function of the nervous, urinary, genital and other systems.
When all the advantages of drinks and cocktails for weight loss it is worth remembering that can trigger food allergies. If you have an intolerance to certain foods, it is worth to exclude from the recipe.