Those who are struggling with excess weight, know how hard it is to lose weight. And if you still succeed, then comes the hardest part – keep the achieved weight! Therefore, it is best to resort to interim measures, i.e. diet, and lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right. Do you want to learn how to lose weight effectively and permanently, not for a few weeks? Want to learn how to enhance your health and not to undermine his permanent diet, aging about ten years? Then read all of the rules that will help you in this delicate matter and in the coming years will ensure you get optimum weight and perfect health.

Very many women say that they eat very little, but still continue to fat. After researching their diet, it turns out that the feeds are very irregular and quick feet. So here it is if you are really looking for a real way to lose weight, then start with the settings of the power mode. For example, in the 8 breakfast, 13 lunch, dinner 19. Why is it important? Our body reacts very sensitively to all changes and when mother nature is focused on survival in any environment. If you can do a break between meals, then 2 hours and then 10 hours, then the body ceases to be sure that he can eat. So this term so will start to do stocks for a "rainy day". We immediately see in the abdominal area, hips, in the form of a second chin and other problems. Therefore, secure the body with full confidence, train him to get food at the same time, and then all the stocks under your skin they begin to melt.
Compulsory breakfast
The biggest consumption of calories is with us from morning till 15-16 o'clock. In the evening they are little used, even when we visited the gym. This happens because the morning the body is aimed at great achievements, and in the evening I was preparing to sleep. Therefore, if you are in a thought to how you can really lose weight, start every morning for breakfast, all the calories the body with the joy of the process, and stop abundantly tonight, metabolism in the time low, and virtually nothing does not turn into energy, only on fat.
More drink
This requirement allows you to excrete from the body more slag. If you have healthy kidneys, then to drink per day at least 2.5 liters of pure water. Please note – no tea, coffee, soup, compote, and pure water! Only in this case, harmful substances at the cellular level will leave, along with the total fluid output from the urinary bladder. The amount of water you need to drink to 20-21 hours, because at night all the cleansing processes in the body ends and the water all goes under the skin, which form in the morning swelling.
You decide all problems, intestinal problems
Modern man very often her everything is terrible. Together with the syndrome lazy bowel, in particular when idle, the food is handled poorly, and form a stagnation of fecal masses. In parallel with this die useful bacteria in the intestine and this process is exacerbated. No bacteria – food is not processed into energy, all the substances they leave in the subcutaneous accumulation. Therefore, instead of questions, how to really lose weight, consult your doctor and again tests for dysbiosis. If there is even the slightest signs of constipation, feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, intestinal colic, and lack of useful bacteria, then the doctor attributed to the drugs, which restore the intestinal microflora. But after that, it is necessary to promote the use of bio-kefirs, not less than 0.5 l per day. As well eat as much sugar beet in any of the meals in cooked form. She is to eliminate many of the problems of the intestines. After you load this area of your body in turn, you will see that our answer to the question, is it possible to lose weight in a month. The body weight decrease right away, how to normalize digestion. Appear lightness, leave the pain in the legs, chronic fatigue and drowsiness. Weight can be reduced a month after treatment up to 5-7 kg (in case of exceeding the standard weight was 10-15 kg). Yes, and train your abdominal muscles, this will in weight loss to prevent ptosis of the internal organs.
Usually 90 to 10

For beginners it can be interpreted as 80 to 20. It lies in the fact that your food to 90 percent should be easy and useful and to 10 percent – harmful, but they are so delicious and popular. For the psyche of its final effect may not be destructive rejection of cakes, chocolates, burgers, etc., it is possible to is to eat, even necessary. But no more than 10-nd parts from all over the volume of the food. The rest is in your diet should be fresh, welded separately, or in catering, but from natural products, eat salads from fresh vegetables, fruits, less sugar, flour and potatoes. For example, for breakfast you can eat every day courses of 250 g of food for lunch 650 g, for dinner, 200 gg Total, 1100 g per day. Of them is 110 g can be very harmful, but tasty. It can be a patty of 55 g and a major chocolate in the 55 year Or ice cream 80 g potatoes-French fries 30 useful to Adhere to this rule you will not be able to actually lose weight by 10 kg per month, but for half a year is the weight of your drops very significantly!
Unloading days ago
Stubborn can afford and unloading days. Note that this is not the days of starvation and days of unloading. Avoid stress on the body, performing regularly on the same day of the week, for example Monday. The unloading of the day may be based on reception in foods, only yogurt, which is very useful, or on raw vegetables, rice, buckwheat, mineral water, natural juices. Possibility of of these days weight, it is necessary only to choose the most suitable for you, and be sure to consult with your doctor.
Take the place of dieting
Many women are so interested in, it is possible to lose weight in a week. Actually, just stop eating. At all. And be prepared for the fact that after 2 weeks you will become even greater, and your liver or the intestine, or the gall bladder can be very serious failure. Therefore, it is best for the week to lose 1.5 kg, this is the maximum what is allowed to doctors. But the best is the lose weight 1,5-2 kg per month, but regularly. It can help a hearty breakfast, medium lunch, and dinner. And, of course, need to be constantly in motion. Easy step, jogging, half an hour on the simulator - all this will make you leaner and help the work of the heart and other organs. To diets handled carefully, be sure to consultant with your doctor! If you do not have the right kidney, then you the is contraindicated the Kremlin diet, if there is hyperacidity of the stomach, then you cannot sit on a fruit diet. And if you have bile, then any diet can be fatal.