How to quickly and effectively lose weight at home?

One of the most topical issues of the contemporary world is that extra weight. Particularly acute she faced the representatives of the beautiful sex, very critically relate to their appearance. Today find ways on how to lose weight, you can from many different sources: internet, newspaper, tv, glossy magazines offer women a lot of options weight loss. But they are so effective and safe? How to properly lose weight woman alone at home, to lead the figure in order not to harm their health?

rules of weight loss

The basic rules of a good weight loss

Each person begins to struggle with excess weight and determines the question, how is it possible to lose weight fast at home, should clearly understand, what is bad, is too quick weight loss methods which allow you to lose a significant amount of weight in a very short time, in most cases they lead only to temporary weight loss. Discarded pounds once again return to their places and "bring" with you "you" in the form of 3-5 pounds, and along with them appear drowsiness, lethargy, hair loss, and even anorexia.

Proper and safe weight loss – it is complex and very fast process. However, do not despair, lose weight effectively at home under the force of each person, what is most important to follow a number of rules and listen to the advice of experts. To begin the process of improving of your body is necessary with the inner work on yourself. It is very important to get rid of the uncertainty in their abilities, which is inherent in the people overweight, you need to stop being afraid and move confidently to your destination. You need to understand that weight loss is very necessary to you alone, and not her husband, a girlfriend, a fitness trainer or a doctor-a dietitian.

Experts recommend to give you a specific and realistic objectives, for example, how to lose weight in a week 5 kg, and then the process of resetting the weight won't seem like something terrible, but the weight loss – an impossible task. If you want to start the process of resetting the weight and make it permanent, you need to:

  1. rethink and plan your daily diet. Experts recommend eating 5-6 times a day, make lunches and dinners for 4 hours before going to sleep. However, not all can fine-tune your life according to these recommendations, one well can things breakfast, and on the other the lack of good dinner – it is a real torture. Approach to the compilation of your menu, it should be intelligently, and, most importantly, that the food was healthy and helpful, and the food tiny and distributed in the framework of the days;
  2. normalize sleep, that should go at least 7 hours, enter into your hectic schedule daily rest period of 30-60 minutes. It can be meditation, a relaxing walk in the park, in the lunch break or day's sleep, if possible. Regardless of the method of weight loss you choose, without the normal sleep, it will not give the expected results;
  3. provide your body the permanent, regular, possible to charge a physical burden. If the excess weight is too large, it is necessary to introduce into your regime on a regular hiking at a comfortable pace, on the possibility of giving up elevators and public transport. Depending on how the weight will go away and will be available for more active types of loads, it will be possible to carry out an early-morning jog and enroll in a sports hall. Practicing sport at home or in the gym, it is important to stay hydrated and monitor their well-being.
nutrition for weight loss

These are the three main points that need to be implemented in the life of a person, who wants to normalize your weight. In addition, that, in order to lose weight, a decrease in volume and become more attractive, it is necessary to take care about the condition of your skin, that is stretched in the process of weight gain and sometimes covered by stretch marks, and after its resetting can become very flabby and ugly. To avoid this, in addition to the physical stress is not superfluous will be an introduction to your own schedule weekly massages with the use of nutritious preparations. This procedure will help to improve the tone of skin and muscles, will be their elastic.

What should be the food for weight loss

Anyone wondering how to lose weight fast at home, the first thing you should change your eating habits and establish a regular fluid intake regime. To the question of the organization of food must be approached carefully and rationally. If you are unsure of the correctness of choosing a particular diet or your eating habits do not permit you so here all of a sudden limit yourself, or move on to the monotonous food, then it is best to consult with a professional dietitian. He will tell you how to lose weight without pills, diet Supplements, magic bullet burning fat, and help you properly organize your diet.

If you are interested in the question of how to lose weight in a week at home, effectively and safely, then is the correct and honest answer is – no! Without injury to the moral or physical health to achieve significant results in such a short time is virtually impossible. Unreasonable restrictions on the consumption of fats, proteins and carbohydrates can be very dangerous for the weight loss of a person, since all of these components are substances the body needs for the normal flow of metabolic processes. Much more important to learn how all of these components properly combined and eaten in one and at the same time, small portions, and then the thinner body will smoothly get used to such a diet and satisfied with the small.

But still, how to lose weight fast and keep the weight normal? Important rule of food for those who want to lose weight – eat regularly. The entire daily dose it is necessary to divide in the following ratio:

  • breakfast – 30%;
  • lunch – 50 %;
  • dinner – 20%.

Day menu must be present vegetable fiber that can be obtained from bran, fruits, vegetables, and bread of coarse grinding. It is important to realize that even the most effective method of weight loss does not bring any results, if not to exclude from the menu sweets, fast food, alcohol and carbonated drinks.

Organize the physical burden correctly

It is known that the approach to weight loss should be comprehensive, so in addition to the organization of proper and regular food, it is necessary that your body physical exertion. Sports activities are needed in the body for the strengthening and normalization of metabolic processes, that make the breakdown of fats and excretion from the body as quickly as possible.

How to lose weight in a month to 8-10 kg and keep yourself then the weight for a long time, not increasing his? Answer: to practice correctly and regularly. Initially, especially if being overweight is a significant and inhibit physical activity, as the daily load it is possible to use walking or swimming, later, when the muscles become stronger and weight decrease slightly, it will be possible to switch to jog and ride a bike or exercise bike. The options you can enroll in a gym, go to step-aerobics, yoga or pilates.

load for weight loss

But how to be, if there is no possibility of attending a fitness club? How to lose weight fast, the man in the home to be beautiful and healthy? It is possible to purchase a simple, inexpensive and effective sports equipment – hula-Hoop (packaging) and jump rope. These sports shots provided everyday training will help you lose weight and build metabolism.

Exercise should be carried out so that all your movements were in pleasure, so clothing should be comfortable, and the air in the room is fresh. By selecting the maximum suitable time for exercise, eliminates the formation of any interference (by the phone on vibrate mode turn off the doorbell, the television, the computer, and the like), you can turn on your favorite music and start training. Engage need at least four times a week, 30 minutes each workout should be devoted to cardio, so indulge in maybe an hour and more.