How to lose weight in the hips, it is possible not only to daily torture yourself tilt or stretching: to improve the contours of the figure and reduction of body fat in the waist help you wrap food foil.
We know, whether you technique the procedure?
Below you will find instructions and recipes for wraps.
How to make a body wrap for weight loss at home

Body wraps for weight loss the hips is even more effective if it is combined with minimal physical burden and restrictions in eating. The outcome of the treatment depends on the technique of execution, therefore it is necessary to adhere to several simple recommendations. The first group of rules is associated with the preparation of the wrap:
- spend procedure no more than 1 time in 2-3 days, because it is for the body it is a serious stress;
- try not to eat 2 hours before and 1 hour after the wraps;
- time for treatment you choose mostly in the evening, even better to perform it on the night, because in this period the activity of the skin the highest;
- before the procedure thoroughly preheat the skin under a cold shower using the massage washcloths and scrubs, such as coffee or salt.
The second group of recommendations concerns the longer the process itself wrap film:
- before the procedure a thick layer of post on the problem area, i.e. the sides, selected a means – bought gel or anti-cellulite cream or a separately prepared mixture;
- wrap belly wrap in several layers;
- put on warm clothes and cuddle up with a blanket, put on skin felt the warmth, or even a burning sensation;
- later, the time required for the wraps with some mixture, rinse with boca warm water and soap or gel, and then moisten them by using the cream.
Recipes wraps
An integral part of the procedure body wraps for weight loss is a mixture that is applied to the skin to cover his film. In special beauty salons procedures have a high price, and used in virtually the same formulations, which are easy to cook and at home. Depending on the caused by means of body wraps can be:
- Hot. Are more than pleasant, because they affect the skin of the heat, which contributes to the expansion of blood vessels, improve blood circulation. The last effect leads to the burning of subcutaneous fat at the expense of the oxygen enrichment. Especially effective is the mustard or wrap with pepper.
- Cool. Against the first memory, because they create the effect of cooling, the narrowing of the capillaries. In this case, all the toxins go through to cleanse the body and internal organs, to which all the bitchiness brings blood.
Hot body wrap for weight loss
Thanks to the thermal effects of hot wraps the process of weight loss hips will go faster, because when such procedures will intensify the secretion of sweat, with whom, and leave waste products and toxins. In addition, the heated subcutaneous layer – the fat cells become like jelly, which helps them easier to get into the vessel and output from the body. Below represents a few of the recipes, such wraps.
The healing properties of honey are manifested not only in the consumption of it inside – if it is to treat the goodies on your hips, weight loss will go faster. This sweet organic product has in its composition fructose and glucose, which are characterized by the properties easily penetrate into the skin. Wrap with honey helps to speed up the processes of exchange and leads to hardening of the tissue. In addition to the hips, you can use this recipe for slimming the thighs or arms, especially on the cellulite on them. Technique wraps the following:
- As preparation, clean the skin with the use of scrub, then dry it.
- Preheat the 6th century. l. honey, add to it 3 drops of essential oil of any of the citrus, i.e. orange, lemon or grapefruit.
- Post the finished device on the sides, turn around food film, from top to put on something warm.
- Embark on half an hour under the blanket.
- Rinse the skin of your hips under a cold shower, oiling her moisturizer.
With clay

More often for wraps the hips, and other problem parts of the body applies blue clay, because it has established itself as a means for speeding up the metabolism and firm the skin. Purchased it at the cosmetics store or drugstore. Carry out wrap with clay it should be according to the following instructions:
- Take equal proportions of clay and warm water. Mix the ingredients into a state of suspension, to have left lumps. You can add the essential oil.
- Lubricate clean and heated boca cooked mixture, top wrap film, put on something warm.
- Cuddle with a plaid or blanket. For weight loss the procedure should have a length of not less 30-60 min
- Rinse thoroughly with boca, definitely use a moisturizer, as the clay dried skin.
With cinnamon
An indispensable helper for weight loss the hips is cinnamon. Spice gets rid of fat, cellulite, supports the alignment of the tones of the skin, and in addition, cinnamon acts soothingly on the nervous system. Technology wraps with this spice the same as with honey or clay, and here the recipes are different:
- Connect the 1 tbsp of olive oil 4-5 drops of cinnamon. Heat the mixture with the help of a water bath.
- In addition to the water bag of any clay, add 3-4 tablespoons of cinnamon in powder. Add more water, if necessary, to the consistency was like porridge.
- In a water bath melt the 3-4 articles l. of honey, mix with 1 tsp of ground cinnamon.
- Melt 100 g of chocolate using the same water bath, add 1 tbsp of cinnamon or drip 5 drops of oil out of it. At the end add 1 tsp olive oil – the mixture is ready.
Cold wrap
Cold wraps for weight loss the hips are used for a purpose other than the hot – to narrow the pores and deduce the excess fluid, which leads to a decrease in volume. Toxins while to go away out through the large pores, and the inside, where the with them sending the liver and kidneys. Weight loss effect is also achieved by the fact that the body spends fat deposits laterally to keep warm. Often for these procedures apply vinegar, seaweed, essential oils, for example, mint. The difference from the hot is the absence of the need to bundle up a blanket and warm clothes.
Acetic acid
The characteristics of vinegar can be attributed to the synthesis of collagen, which is essential for the skin, enriched with vitamins, resorption of fat on the hips and reduce the volume of fluid in the tissues. Use need to is not a pure product, and mixed with water in a ratio of 1:5. Take for it, grape or apple cider vinegar. To the finished solution, you can enter a few drops of essential oil of citrus. Apply means apply directly on the skin or soak in it in bandages, then wrap boca. Then rotate the film and rest for about an hour.
With algae
For weight loss is very useful eyelashes, but not everyone will have to taste, such as algae. If you don't want to consume this product in the food, then try to make a wrap of the hips or any other part of the body:
- Take a container with water at room temperature.
- Place there the eyelashes in an amount of 100 gg
- Through the 2-3 hours it must swell to the maximum, then you can connect to the sides and roll up the film.
- About an hour later, rinse your skin under warm water.
With essential oils
Benefits of different essential oils is very high – is used not only in skin care but also for weight loss, what stood out in particular citrus fruits. In addition to these effects yet you take care of the relaxation of the body, putting thoughts in order. Carry out the wraps just dissolve 5-10 drops of essential oil in 0.5 liters of warm water. Then wrap boca bandages soaked in such a vehicle. The Film should be on top of the bandages.
Contraindications for wraps

There are a number of contraindications for both types of wraps – hot and cold. The first type of procedure is not recommended for people with varicose disease of the veins, pathology of blood vessels, tumors, kidney or the cardiovascular system, and even for pregnant women. The cold wraps the hips cannot be done when problems in the gynecological area. Is not allowed such procedures in cases of intolerance of the components of the mixture or any damage to the skin.