Good day, friends! Excess weight and excess inches in the waist, can not only disrupt a person, but also a negative effect on his health. It is widely known that to get rid of fat and make the figure stretched, it is possible only with the help of strict diets and sports. But it's not always so. Today we will tell you, that is a healthy diet for weight loss, and we will help assemble a menu for the week.

Firstly, it is necessary to understand what is a healthy diet and how it differs from the dietary supplements. The diet is strict restriction in the consumption of certain foods. To endure such a regime can every. In addition, often after the end of the diet, gone was the pounds quickly returned, taking with him "friends".
Menu healthy diet for weight loss is designed to provide the body with the necessary useful substances, but at the same time reduce consumption is not a useful food, which turns into fat on the hips, abdomen and thighs.
What are the main conditions
Proper nutrition is a way of life. It is very important to instill healthy eating habits. Feeding on a program of PP, you will be able to lose weight without the body stress. Those who think that a healthy lifestyle – it's complicated, expensive, or under the power of all, terribly wrong.
In fact, proper nutrition is based on simple rules and recommendations. The basic principles of this scheme the following:
- you need to eat often but in small portions, preferably 5-6 times a day;
- it is necessary to drink a lot of water, daily norm consumption of the liquid is equal to 2 liters;
- the first thing you need to do a fasting, is to drink a glass of warm water;
- the last meal should be 3 hours before going to sleep;
- use these methods of thermal processing products, such as baking, stewing or cooking with steam, a great solution would be to use a slow cooker, recipes with photos for the preparation of the find is not hard work;
- do focus on foods with a low fat content;
- the basis of the diet should consist of protein, and diversify the menu of vegetables and complex carbohydrates;
- don't be afraid to use spices;
- reduce your intake of salt promotes retention of fluids in the body and causes swelling;
- learn to count calories;
- refuse fats replace fats of animal origin on the plant analogues;
- replace mayonnaise and sauces for topping salads or other dishes with olive oil or lemon juice.
To adjust to a new type of food, it is not unnecessary to pre-assemble the menu for each day of the week or on the moon. So you will be able to buy the necessary products, and eliminate the risk of failure. Eat on such a system, you can smoothly get rid of excess kilograms. Reviews show that the result of such weight loss take long.
What must be in the fridge
Make a list of products that should be in your kitchen. In it must necessarily apply:
- whole wheat bread;
- lean meat (beef, rabbit, chicken, turkey);
- seafood and lean fish;
- mushrooms;
- eggs;
- dairy products with low percentage of fat;
- fruits and vegetables;
- cereals and pasta fixed varieties;
- nuts, seeds and dried fruit (in limited quantities).

Add these foods to the menu, it is necessary to realize that there is a food, from which it should refrain. In healthy nutrition for women and men under the ban, are sweets and pastries, alcohol, bottled juices and carbonated water, preservatives, fast-food, semi-finished products. Forget the mayonnaise, sugar replace with honey.
In HLS important do not allow the feeling of hunger. Resort to snacks. For this will suit salads, fruit (except grapes and bananas), yogurt and protein shakes.
Assemble a course of food for 7 days
We offer you a sample menu for each day of the week in the table. Focusing on it, you will be much easier to develop a program of healthy nutrition for themselves.
Organizes weekly menu is cheap, but useful. Eat according to the rules of the HLS it is possible at any age – 20, and after 40, 50, 60 years. Take also note of the following recipes.
Vegetable borscht
Cook the first dish you will need the following ingredients:
- 300 gr. cabbage;
- 2-3 pcs potato;
- 3 tomato;
- 1 red beet;
- 1 onion;
- 1 carrot;
- 3 cloves of garlic;
- 3 tbsp of olive oil;
- salt, bay leaf, pepper and herbs to taste.
- Vegetables my and clean-up, potatoes cut into cubes, carrots and beets to grind on a grater, cut the cabbage, onion finely cut.
- Lead the water to a boil, the enemies there the sliced potatoes and give the water simmer for 5 min
- Enter into the broth, cabbage, bay leaf, black fragrant pepper.
- In a pan fry the onions, carrots and beets. Three in a vegetable mixture of tomatoes for juiciness and stew everything under a lid for 5 minutes.
- Send the contents of the pan into the pot with the soup.
- When the soup is almost ready, add the salt and herbs. Disable the stove, we give food and let stand.
Steam fish burgers
Cheer yourself useful fish cutlets, use for cooking:
- fish meat – 0,5 kg;
- carrots – 1 piece;
- onion – 1 piece;
- egg – 1 pc;
- flour – 2 station, al;
- herbs, salt – to taste.
- Carrots clean, three on a shallow grater.
- Onion remove the peel, finely cut.
- Add the vegetables, minced, enter the egg, salt and herbs.
- Form the cakes and cook them 20 minutes in the mode of "fish".
Baked eggplant
This delicious dish can be filed for lunch at home or on the holiday table. For its preparation will need:
- 3 eggplant;
- 3 tomato;
- 70 gr. low-fat cheese;
- dill or other herbs;
- 4 cloves of garlic;
- 1 tbsp of homemade yogurt;
- salt and pepper to taste.

- My eggplant, cut is removed by a thickness of 1-2 cm, grate a mixture of salt and pepper, we let stand 10 minutes.
- Tomatoes and cheese also cut removed.
- At the pan lying on each eggplant, tomatoes and cheese.
- Pour all the sauce from the yogurt, garlic and vegetables.
- Bake for 20-30 minutes at 200 degrees.