Effective weight loss means two options for resetting the weight:
1. How to get rid of excess weight and improve the overall condition of the organism for a long time. Effective methods of weight loss in this case:

- A healthy lifestyle;
- A balanced diet;
- Drug regular physical activity.
2. Reset a considerable amount of extra pounds in a short time. For such effective weight loss is usually used:
- Starvation;
- A Mono-diet;
- Strict low-calorie diets.
Overweight accumulate in the body for a long time, and if a few pounds extra special discomfort does not deliver, then with the next add so much weight increases the pressure on all the organs and systems, deteriorating overall health status, there are problems of a psychological nature. You need to find out what are the effective methods of weight loss you need to select for solving the problem.
At first glance, it is better to get rid of extra pounds quickly. Choose a suitable diet, and for a short time, strictly limiting the diet, to regain its former slenderness. In this case, what – a sharp reset of the weight from lack of nutrition, causing the body to go into saving mode by reducing the speed of metabolism. Therefore, after the end of the diet, as soon as it resumes the usual food mode, to recover the weight quickly returns. And whereas, the metabolism is slowed down, going more extra pounds. This is the reason why it is believed that the general formula for all diets fast and effective weight loss – "minus ten, plus fifteen", the so-called "effect yo-yo".
Virtually all methods for effective weight loss in a short time, they have a lot of contraindications and negative impact on health and general feelings. Even though many had to use to lose a few extra pounds, be adjusted to the figure before major life events (anniversary, wedding, a trip to the spa, etc.).
A reasonable approach to the problem of excess weight for effective weight loss you should focus on quick-fix results of short hard constraints, but on the cardinal changes not only in style and mode of eating, but also lifestyle overall.
Effective weight loss at home
To do effective weight loss in the home - easily doable task. Compliance with the rules of nutrition and diet, physical activity over time will not only lead to the right character, you create a family life, but also significantly improve health.
The most important part of effective weight loss at home – a complete balanced diet, which includes:
- The right proteins – lean meat, poultry, legumes, low-fat milk and dairy products;
- Useful fats – fatty varieties of fish that contain omega-acids, vegetable oils, especially olive and flaxseed, butter, low oiliness;
- Complex carbohydrates – whole grain breads, cereals, brown rice, various fruits and berries, dried fruits, natural honey;
- The optimal ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates – the balance of protein, fats and carbohydrates. It is found that in the daily diet should come from the following number of calories 45-65% carbohydrates, 20-35% from fat, 10-35% from protein. For those who want to lose weight should stick to the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates 30-20-50;
- Vitamins in sufficient quantities, plenty of fruits, vegetables, especially raw, beef liver, nuts;
- Products that facilitate the regeneration of the body and stimulates the weight loss – ginger, garlic, white wine, balsamic vinegar;
- Clean drinking water, at least 1.5-2.0 liters a day, it is advisable to drink a glass of water 15-20 minutes before a meal.

All the food that gets on the table, for effective weight loss should be healthy. It is necessary to abandon the semi-finished products and products of industrial production, because in them is the high content of preservatives, emulsifiers, TRANS fats, flavorings, flavor enhancers and other harmful chemical compounds. No crackers, chips, food, fast cooking (fast food), sweet and carbonated drinks, juices from packages.
Dishes need to cook from natural fresh foods, which is a better buy on the market or in special departments of supermarkets.How is it possible away the food, in the extreme case, use of the sea or iodized salt. Needed by the body amount of salt already contained in the food, and its excess holding within the body of water, and prevents its regeneration, improves the swelling and slows down the process of weight loss.
Important point effective weight loss – the right diet. It is advisable to eat at the same time, no less than 4-5 times a day, small portions. Meals are served no later than seven o'clock in the evening, or at least four hours before bedtime.
A useful food supplement, which allows to keep the functionality and increase the effectiveness of measures to reduce the weight, will drugs that help balance the cellular metabolism.
A necessary stage in any weight loss program, nutrition experts believe cleansing modern drugs. They actively absorb it into himself just a harmful waste substances and toxins, which are in abundance coming into the bloodstream to break down fat. These toxins induce characteristic for diets nausea, bad taste in the mouth, disorders of stool, tarnish skin, appearing on her acne and blemishes. This sorbent well fills the stomach and creates a feeling of satiety, sucks up excess stomach acids and enzymes that neutralize their irritant on the stomach wall. Let's say that his income is lengthy courses unlike other sorbents.
Exercises for effective weight loss
Regular exercise and measure the exercises are necessary in the process of effective weight loss to increase energy, enhancing muscle tone, improves blood circulation and health condition of the body.
The daily performance of the next derived a simple complex of exercises like morning or evening charging will speed up the reset weight and improve your overall physical condition:
- Raise your hands through the sides up, stretch, and bend over backwards on the chest, climbing on the socks. Down on full feet, hands over her hips down;
- One hand on his belt, the other hand, raised over your head, make circles. Change hand;
- Hands on his belt, climb up the socks, make circles with your feet on the left and right sides alternately;
- Feet shoulder width apart, hands on his belt, circular motion at the waist to the right and to the left;
- Feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt, move the left foot to the left, lean to her right hand above her head pulls to the left parallel with the floor. Repeat on the other side.
Also for effective weight loss will be useful:
- Feet together, hands omitted, lifting his hands up with an alternate stroke of a pen, feet, back;
- Feet shoulder width apart, hands on his belt, rotate the torso to the left with the fell swoop of the right hand to the left side and vice versa;
- Hands in front of himself to the height of his chest, legs shoulder-width apart, mach kick on the opposite side, toed to touch the fingers on the hands;
- Feet together, arms along the body, squats with arms stretched forward alternate with squats, when your hands touch the floor;
- Feet together, four jump on two feet, two hopping on the right and on the left leg.

For the first time, you can do all the exercises 2-4 times, gradually increasing the load. Optimally perform each exercise 8-10 times, into a sense of pleasant fatigue.
Effective weight loss is possible only in case, when the desire to look good and feel more than they want tasty and abundantly eat, and what at least to move.