how to eat with pancreatitis

The list of functions of the human pancreas includes the production of most digestive enzymes, without which the normal course of vital processes in the gastrointestinal tract is impossible, as well as the synthesis of insulin. When a dysfunction occurs in the work of this organ, pancreatitis develops. This disease is inflammation of the pancreas, it is usually caused by the suspension of the normal excretion of enzymes.

Nutritional characteristics of acute and chronic pancreatitis

In the absence of pathologies in the body, enzymes enter the intestine, but due to pancreatitis they remain inside this organ, gradually beginning to corrode its inner shell. Very often, patients with pancreatitis develop intoxication, as a result of which intestinal particles and enzyme residues enter the bloodstream. The acute course of the disease usually ends with surgery if treatment and diet do not give the desired results.

Chronic pancreatitis is usually caused by overeating, alcohol or drug abuse, the use of hormonal or estrogenic drugs, as well as existing diseases of the gallbladder and liver. With two types of this disease, gastroenterologists recommend following a special diet for pancreatitis, which involves the development of an approximate menu.

Acute pancreatitis: diet menu of the week

In order to normalize the condition of the patient's body, the nutritionist prescribes a special therapeutic food for him in order to eliminate swelling and inflammation of the pancreas. In addition to drug therapy, short-term fasting is also prescribed, thanks to which surgery can be avoided. During the fast, gastric juice stops being produced, and the activity of enzymes also decreases, which will help the damaged organ to recover within a few days.

In the first days of such a fast, it is recommended to drink mineral medicinal water without gas, diluted green tea or rosehip broth in small portions several times a day. Drinking can help prevent dehydration, but once the fast is over you should gradually switch to diet. In the presence of acute pancreatitis, a strict diet is followed, the menu for the week should be drawn up by a specialist. The standard diet for 5 days includes the following foods:

what you can and cannot eat with pancreatitis
  • dry bread or loaf of wheat flour;
  • liquid jelly or fruit drinks;
  • sticky rice or oat broth;
  • liquid mashed potatoes without added oil;
  • mashed cereals, such as oatmeal, rice, semolina or buckwheat;
  • dry cookies;
  • bread or crackers.

After 6 days, other foods and drinks can be added to the pancreatitis menu. It can be black or green tea, sweetened with a little sugar or honey with the addition of milk, beet juice with a little mineral water. The list of permitted meals includes:

  • steamed protein omelet;
  • curd puff;
  • minced or minced meat;
  • liquid sticky soups;
  • berry or apple mousses and jellies;
  • Mashed Steamed Vegetables and Oil-Free Puddings.

Sample menu for pancreatitis for a week

The diet for acute pancreatitis should be quite strict, so the patient should adhere to the menu developed for him for a week. An example of such a diet is presented below, but at the same time the exact list of dishes should be agreed with the doctor.

1st day

  • Breakfast. Liquid rice or semolina porridge, a fruit, for example, an orange, a pear or an apple, a weak tea with the addition of honey.
  • Late breakfast. Pumpkin puree, steamed fish or chopped chicken cutlets, rosehip broth.
  • Lunch. Fish or beef broth, mashed potatoes, dried white bread, baked apple for dessert.
  • Afternoon snack. A small portion of cottage cheese and weak tea with the addition of honey.
  • Dinner. Steamed protein omelet, dry white bread, mashed vegetable mash.

2nd day

  • Breakfast. Oat milk, jelly or tea (green or black).
  • Late breakfast. Mashed apples mixed with cottage cheese.
  • Lunch. Mash soup made with broccoli or cauliflower, steamed chicken meatballs.
  • Afternoon snack. Dry cookies and green tea.
  • Dinner. Rice or cottage cheese pudding, jelly or tea.

3rd day

  • Breakfast. Liquid porridge made from rice, green tea with a dry biscuit.
  • Late breakfast. Baked apple with honey or cottage cheese.
  • Lunch. Vegetable soup made from cauliflower, potatoes, green peas or carrots combined with meatballs, dried fruit compote.
  • Afternoon snack. Mashed cottage cheese and weak tea.
  • Dinner. Lean fish, baked or steamed.

Common recipes

the need to diet for pancreatitis

The sample menu may include special recipes recommended for pancreatic pancreatitis. In order to avoid the deterioration of the condition, each of the components of an individual dish should be agreed with a doctor or nutritionist, who themselves usually recommend to prepare specific first and second courses, as well as special desserts.

Pumpkin and carrot puree

To prepare such a dietary mash you need 400 grams of pumpkin and two carrots, they must be peeled and cut into medium cubes. The vegetables are then boiled in boiling water until they are tender enough. After the end of cooking, the water in the pan can be completely or partially drained to obtain a finer mass. Using a blender, you need to turn the vegetables into a homogeneous mass and serve.

Fish soup

To prepare liquid mashed soup, you need to take half a kilogram of lean fish, for example, cod, hake, pike perch or plaice, a liter and a half of water, a teaspoonof butter and 50 ml of milk. Fish fillets are cut into small pieces and boiled in water or vegetable broth until tender. Bring the preheated milk separately to the boil with the melted butter, pour in the fish broth and add the fillets, then cook everything together for several minutes.

It should be remembered that in the acute form of pancreatitis it is strictly forbidden to eat fatty and fried foods, foods that stimulate fermentation in the digestive tract, drink alcohol, kvass, kefirand soft drinks.

Pancreatic inflammation menu

Regarding the diet for pancreatitis and an exemplary menu, many gastroenterologists recommend following the well-known diet No. 5, which is usually prescribed after the patient's condition has improvedin the acute form of the disease. Foods allowed as part of the diet can be safely included in the diet after the fast. As a rule, such a diet is divided into two stages, each of which is different in time.

In the process of the first step, you can only take mashed food for two weeks. When completed, the patient is transferred to the second, less strict menu option, it lasts at least six to eight months. At first, you can eat unsalted liquid dishes with a predominance of carbohydrates, drink fruit drinks, fruit juices, a decoction of rosehips with the addition of honey or sugar. Fatty, fried or salty foods are strictly prohibited.

After the fifth day of the diet, calories should be increased gradually, but at the same time, fat intake should be limited. From the sixth to the ninth day of such a diet, the total calorie content of food consumed per day should not exceed 1000 calories. After the tenth, the number of calories can be increased, and the patient is transferred to the second diet option for pancreatitis for a week.

Nutrition for the chronic form of the disease

sample menu for pancreatitis

Pancreatitis often turns into a chronic form, it is in this case that special diets for pancreatic pancreatitis are more relevant than ever, thanks to which it is possible to completely normalize the condition of the gastrointestinal tract-intestinal. Characteristic seizures periodically occur due to poor nutrition, especially if the list of dishes includes prohibited foods, including boiled eggs, candy, chocolate, milk, soda and other foods. similar. Symptoms of the disease are bloating, noticeable heaviness after the next meal, frequent vomiting. Very often, chronic pancreatitis provokes the appearance of diabetes mellitus, especially in cases when the patient did not go to the doctor on time and did not start taking special drugs.

A dietitian or gastroenterologist must necessarily develop a special menu for pancreatitis for a week, which includes light and quickly digestible foods. It will be especially useful to drink mineral water without gas for two days, as well as a decoction of wild rose or weak and weak tea. It is necessary to switch to a low-calorie diet as soon as possible, to prepare meals with a minimum content of fats and carbohydrates. Food intake should be divided, it is necessary to eat at least 5-6 times a day. The list of products that make up the menu of chronic pancreatitis should include:

  • wheat rusks (purchased or prepared yourself);
  • liquid vegetable or grain soups;
  • cooked or boiled meat, including chicken, veal or rabbit;
  • lean steamed fish;
  • cottage cheese with a low percentage of fat;
  • unsalted, low-fat cheeses;
  • semi-liquid and liquid cereals;
  • mashed vegetables and stew;
  • cooked and grated fruit;
  • light jellies, mousses and compotes.

Sample menu and list of prohibited dishes

The menu of chronic pancreatitis in adults and children should certainly be varied, despite the fairly strict restrictions, when it is necessary to carefully monitor compliance with the daily routine and eat on time. Usually a weekly menu is drawn up by a specialist who also gives the patient detailed instructions and advice, helps to choose suitable recipes for dishes and talks about the properties of certain products. It is worth paying attention to the approximate menu of pancreatitis, which you can focus on when developing your own diet:

  • Breakfast. Oatmeal with milk, rosehip decoction.
  • Second breakfast. Steamed chicken or beef, weak tea.
  • Lunch. Mashed soup made from carrots and pumpkin, steamed fish and tea.
  • Afternoon snack. Cottage cheese for babies.
  • Dinner. Zucchini stew with carrots, boiled chicken breast, dried fruit compote.
  • Evening meal. A glass of low fat kefir.

The diet for inflammation of the pancreas and the rough menu have strict restrictions, as many foods can over-stimulate the secretion of the pancreas and the production of gastric juice. The list of prohibited products includes:

  • fatty meats and fish, smoked meats, sausages and preserves;
  • meat and fish broths, as well as mushroom soups;
  • cabbage soup, borscht, okroshka;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • fried and boiled eggs;
  • all kinds of legumes, white cabbage, radishes, onions, garlic, spinach, sorrel, eggplants, peppers and mushrooms;
  • butter and flour, bakery products, sweets, chocolate;
  • coffee, strong black tea, cocoa, soft drinks.

Recipes for chronic pancreatitis

diet rules for pancreatitis

Nutrition for pancreatic pancreatitis and the correct menu should be selected by a specialist, patients will have to master several new ideal recipes for normalizing the digestive tract.

Mashed vegetable soup

To prepare it you need an unsweetened yellow or green pepper, 200 g of broccoli and cauliflower, 1 zucchini. Cut the vegetables into cubes, add 1. 5 liters of water and cook until tender. Then you need to drain the water and make mashed potatoes with a blender.

Apple pastila

To prepare a healthy marshmallow, you need 1 kg of apples, diced and peeled, put them in a saucepan, add water and cook. After they have boiled enough, you need to remove the pan from the heat, drain the water and cool the apples. Then they are crushed with a blender, the resulting mash should be squeezed, and the excess juice poured into a separate container. Then the juice is boiled separately in a saucepan until it thickens, add 100 g of liquid honey to it and cook until syrup is obtained. After that, the juice is mixed with mashed potatoes, spread the mass on a baking sheet and put in an oven preheated to 120 degrees to dry the marshmallow.

Doctor's recommendations

In most cases, a diet for pancreatitis and adherence to a strict menu for a week gives excellent results, since such a system of nutrition has a very gentle effect on the internal organs. According to doctors, according to the results of these diets, the work of the pancreas is stabilized, mainly due to a decrease in the concentration of gastric juice. Experts recommend to completely eliminate alcohol during treatment and constantly adhere to a balanced and proper diet. In addition to improving the digestive tract, thanks to the menu with inflammation of the pancreas and light foods, you can significantly reduce weight and improve the general condition of the body.