Lose weight with citric acid

Acid is an essential substance for the human body. It is necessary for the internal organs to function properly and smoothly. Citric acid is directly involved in the metabolic process at the cellular level. This is why its weight loss benefits are simply priceless.

The effectiveness of citric acid in weight loss

using citric acid to lose weight

Certainly, citric acid does not have fat burning properties, but it is considered a powerful natural antioxidant and is very beneficial for people who want to lose weight.

Consider what happens in the body when it is ingested:

  • the walls of the esophagus absorb nutrients better;
  • the cavity of internal organs is cleared of harmful toxins;
  • heavy slag and faecal stones are removed;
  • blood circulation becomes more intense;
  • metabolic processes are improved;
  • excess fluid is removed, which eliminates swelling;
  • Cellular rejuvenation
  • occurs.

Internal use

It doesn't take much effort to get a positive result with citric acid. Just drink clean acidified water. To lose extra pounds, citric acid should be dissolved in lukewarm water or diluted with lemon juice.

Many different techniques have been developed and can be used to achieve good results. Consider the most effective.

Lose weight with citric acid in a week

The regimen for this weight loss method is very simple and is designed to be used within 7 days. Every day, a person who wants to lose weight should drink at least 2-3 liters of clean water. It will prevent dehydration of the body and will not slow down metabolic processes.

Dissolve a teaspoon of citric acid in a liter of lukewarm water. It is recommended to drink the resulting drink at the rate of 180 ml per day, 1. 5 hours after each meal; for the best taste, it is allowed to add a little honey.

The weight is lost due to the fact that the appetite is cut, but the meals should not be skipped, you should eat in small portions about 5 times a day. During such a diet, it is recommended to eat fresh or boiled vegetables, seafood, grains, protein and lean meat.

Citric acid slimming in one month

The scheme of this diet is also very simple and is designed for one month. It only requires 2 ingredients present in each house: citric acid and pure water. However, in order to achieve a positive effect and not harm your body, you need to know exactly in what proportion to prepare the drink:

  • From 1 to 7 days.Take 250 ml of pure water and dissolve half a dessert spoon of citric acid in it. This drink should be drunk three times a day: after breakfast, one hour after lunch and half an hour before dinner. The diet should be dominated by seafood during the week.
  • From 8 to 14 days.You need to measure 280 ml of pure water and dissolve a teaspoon of acid in it. The resulting drink should be divided into 3 equal parts and consumed according to the following scheme: 20 minutes after the first breakfast, half an hour before lunch, one hour before the last meal. The diet nowadays should be dominated by dishes based on lean meat and protein products.
  • From 15 to 21 days.To prepare a drink, you need to take 300 ml of pure water and dissolve in it a teaspoon and a half of acid. The solution should be consumed in the same way as the previous week. It is recommended to eat boiled vegetables and cereals.
  • From 22 to 28 days.One teaspoon of acid should be dissolved in 150 ml of pure water. You need to drink a glass in 2 doses - after breakfast and before dinner. Nutrition must be balanced.

Outdoor use

external use of citric acid for weight loss

External use of acid is safer for a person who wants to lose weight. However, if you do not start by eating rationally, do not give up bad habits, do not remove confectionery from the menu, the result can not be expected.

  1. To prepare the mixture, 200 g of black, green or blue clay are taken, 4 chicken eggs, a teaspoon and a half of acid, 100 g of sour cream are added to it and everything isinterrupted with a mixer. The acid must be completely dissolved, otherwise burns may remain on the skin.
  2. Then the resulting mixture is applied to the places where you need to remove cellulite, most often the thighs and abdomen, then they are wrapped in 4-5 layers of plastic wrap and warm clothes are placed on top.
  3. The mixture is stored for 30-40 minutes, but if the skin burns badly, it is washed off earlier. At the end of the procedure, an anti-cellulite cream is applied.

For best results, packing should be done once every 2 days, while it is better to alternate the color of clay.

What is the danger?

People who decide to lose weight with citric acid internally should take into account that this method is not absolutely safe.

If you use this product in an uncontrollable way, the functioning of organs and systems may be disturbed:

  1. Due to the fact that the drink used has a high concentration and contains acids in its composition, it negatively affects tooth enamel, increasing its sensitivity. In addition, the oral mucosa is irritated, leading to ulcers.
  2. There is a negative effect of acid on the stomach walls. In this regard, this method is strictly prohibited for people who are faced with gastritis or stomach ulcers.
  3. With the help of citric acid, excess fluid is removed from the body and edema is relieved. However, it should be borne in mind that in addition to the excess, the fluid necessary for the normal functioning of the organs is also removed.
  4. People who frequently use acid apathy, loss of energy, anxiety, and insomnia. A person believes that they have started to lose extra pounds, but in reality, the volumes disappear due to a lack of fluid in the body.
  5. The results obtained with citric acid are short lived. Very soon after a person stops taking the product and begins to eat in the usual way, the weight returns and sometimes even doubles.
  6. Healthcare professionals believe that taking acid internally increases the risk of cancer.


If, despite all of the above, a person decides to lose weight with citric acid in order to reduce bodily harm, the following recommendations should be followed:

ways to use citric acid for weight loss
  1. Do not exceed the recommended doses. If you put 3 tablespoons of acid instead of one in a glass of water, metabolic processes will not increase, but the stomach will suffer very quickly.
  2. You cannot drink a sour drink on an empty stomach in one sip. This should be done slowly, preferably with a straw, and only after or during a meal.
  3. In addition to having a drink, the body should be helped to lose weight. You need to get rid of overeating, the use of fatty products and flour, bad habits, and also devote at least half an hour a day to gymnastic exercises. Otherwise, the result may not happen at all.
  4. Make sure to eat oats, chicken broth, and boiled veggies these days. Thus, the stomach will have the right acid-base balance and the body will quickly get used to the acidic drink.
  5. To avoid damaging tooth enamel, rinse your mouth with clean water after each drink.


Before trying to lose weight with citric acid, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications to this method.

Another way to lose weight should be found for people facing:

  • any disease of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pathologies of the kidneys and bladder;
  • a tendency to allergic reactions;
  • caries;
  • skin diseases.
  • when carrying a baby and breastfeeding.

Consuming large amounts of citric acid is very harmful to the human body. That is why, before deciding to lose weight using this method, you should carefully weigh all its pros and cons. And if, nevertheless, the decision is made, you can use the acid only after consulting with a nutritionist.